WHYYHYYYY was i pput on dis stoopid ass earth to fix all dere STOUPID PROB;LMEZ i dont wanna be the n=BALANCE MIDDLE ANYMORE ever since im born my only purpose is to Be thrown into shitdddy siutation so i can fix it and im DONE im TIRED i cant FIX IT IM JUST A LITTLE DUMNB ASS RETARXESD GIRL I CANTG FIX YOU HELP YOU NO NO NOOOO I CANNNNTTTTNTNTNTNTNTN PEOPLESSSSSZZZSAWSASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!my last now"boyfrined" ghas left mee,welll, u kno i kinda left him, what had to be done.... and now i am aklll alone.... but its for the best... We had an AGREENMENT,,, that he would CHANGE.. no drugs,alchcol, talking me into doing the drugs or alachol, tal;king me into doing the things i dont wanna do, _(cuz he has the big habiut of donig so.. after i sasy NO.) andf... IT JUS DIDNT HAPPEN. HES DOIN BENADRYL. TAKING BENADRYL. "it just to help me sleeeeepppppppppp" sooooooooooo you chugged the whple bottle and then........ he let me use hsi p-hone for google one day and i see he HAS PORN OPEN ON THERE....... SUM VUIDEOOOO called "DIRTTY BITCH SUCKS MY DICK IN THE FOREST"
UHH okk... so......... Bendaryl APPARENTLY Makes yuiu super DRY and SCARED ansd weird not wanna have sex and everythings alienn like and he exlplains "Watchingh porn is the only thing that would mske me feel ebtter when i used to do benadrykl befoere.." Meanwhile whie he was doing this IBN HIS CAR OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE... ((hw has been living in hes car outsuide my house)) ABND I SAY LIKE WHY DIDBNT YOU COME WAKE ME UP AND TALK TO ME AND NOT WATCH PORN I DONT UNERSTAND I DONT GFET IT I DONT GET IT I DONT UNDERSTANDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNNDBND
AND its not jsut THIS situatiioon... so many situatiioons i cant get oiverr,.. l;ike in north carolina on the drug bender.... When his 17 ytear old frined was over at our house,.. and he whips hiz cock out in front of him and starts pulling at my clotyhjes and saying Come onnnnnnnnn letszz do itttttttt im sure he wouldnt mind to watchhhhhh its fineeeeeeeeee and i kept sayin g NOOOOO I DONT WANT TO I ALREADY SAUID NO I DONT WANT TO HES GONNA HAVE TO LEAVEEEE so instead of makuibng the kid leave he BARACADES THE DOOR ((meth induced psychosuis he was saying this kids gonna murder us so keep nhim in the living room and we stay in the bedroom...)))) AND KEEPS PRESSURING ME TO HAVE SEX WITH THIS KID STILL OUTSIDE THE DOOR....... AND I FINALLY GAVE IN CUZ I WAS SO FUCKED UP I WAS SCARED TOO AND DID NOT WANNA ARGUE ANYNMORE............... this night reallt traumatize me and ui have luiterally NIGHMARES about it and when i told him how it fucked me up hes like "well i didnt knwo it made you uncomfrtble ypu need to speak up and tell me"
I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DONT LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WONDER I DONT HAVE FREAKING BOUNARUIES XCUZ NO ONE LISTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the whole thing with MADI, is he knew she was l;esbian for me and wpouild talk sexual about me behind my back and he sent her a nude picture of me and they were talking abpout ""sharing me"" in a 3way relationship and thsi whole time i knew there was SOMETHING going on just from uintuition so i was like........ why are you insinuatibng all the time that you want a 3way with madi?? and he would make me feel INSANE and say "i dont know what that is whats tat mean yopur being delsuonal" and i was literlly SOBBINMG to him BEGGING him to not have any one else in opur relationship i clearly sat boundaries he just UFGNORED THEM AGAIN./ ]
So... i decided after all THAT.... to give him another chance.... i thought.. since we "talked about it..'''' and "now i know not to do that again cuz it made you uncomfortbale" hes never gonna do it again........] now we get to this past weekend........ my mom trusts me and him to watch the hopuse for her while she goes to west vriginia... and i have a sinyus infexction, hes liek, "i know your trying to quit DELSYUM, cuz its ruining relationshjip with your family after i concinvced you to do uit after you said no OVER AND OVER, but,,,, since your sickkkkk, this si your fibnal chance to get fucked up, come onnnn, we can share one bottle,,,, just once,,,,"""" and i sayyy...... okay................... \and then my MOM FINDS OUT,....... MAKES ME LOOK FUCKING RETARDED.....I FEEKL SO NGUILTY....
and thats what led up nto em breakingup with him cuz i relized all this... he jsur cant hurt me in these ways and just move on... i cant move on...... andf becuse i cant move on,,, im the crazy person,!! "your giving up on this relationship, i already talked it out with you over and over you just dont wanna choose to forgiuve me cuz you necver wnated to be with me in the first place"
I DID!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I CANT EVER LOOK AT YOU THE SAME WAY AFTER YOU DID THESE THINMGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i gues im writing all this as a way to lay it out in front of me and convince myse,lf what actually hapened cuz everyone always gaslight me and i dont even know whats actually real or what they say i "made up"...... so yea..... THUS IS WGHAT HAPPENED.