Friday, April 5, 2024


 i wanted to update you guys i watched the last mimzy.. its so beautiful. life is beautiful. il protect you from all the things I've seen. i felt like that was from mimzy. i cuddled her to sleep last night. When the DVD menu opens it shows a red rug, just like the one my mom has in her bathroom that i told her has mimzy mandalas all over it. The movie is set in Seattle, called "THE EMERALD CITY", like the Wizard of Oz! They stayed at a house by the beach just like when me an eric did in virginia, The green triangle paperweight thing looks exactly like this screen protector i found in the trash that i put in my journal a long time ago. There was also a seashell in the mimzy box, and i always collected them i got a lot of those in virginia. "Maybe other people cant see what we see." 

There's this song in the movie called Hello i love you. "We'll find a short-waved frequency, The wave connecting you and me." The SCHUMANN RESONANCE, its like this big blanket covering the earth making sound waves we cant hear. The earths heartbeat. This frequency vibrates at 7.38 hertz, its caused by lightning strikes and stuff. "These patterns bore a striking resemblance to sacred geometry." Winfried Otto Schumann. Born May 20th, 1888. "The Schumann Resonance resonates with the human brainwaves and influences our state of consciousness. researchers and spiritual seekers believe when our own brainwaves align with the Schumann Resonance, we experience a sense of calm, balance, and enhanced well-being. It serves as a harmonizing force, supporting our connection with the Earth and fostering a profound sense of unity within the collective consciousness. it may amplify our intuitive abilities,  spiritual experiences, and enhance our empathic connections. It is believed to influence our thoughts and emotions. notable events like 9/11 and the Japanese earthquake have coincided with remarkable peaks in the Schumann Resonance.

The earths collective vibrations, me and eric were literally talking about this!!! How we need to save all the starving children, the world wants to keep them starving to keep the vibration low and everyone angry and sad. There's enough money to feed 4 earths full of children, but GREED is the main factor. money is DEMONIC. Were shifting from the 3D to 5D. Earth’s frequency is rising,  its particles are spinning faster. SPINNERS. Its called a spinner, noah. i was watching a you tube video just last night about spinners in physics.  increase in Schumann Resonance also sparks the Gamma Brain wave state of 30 - 90 Hz. This is the state of consciousness, which attunes us directly with the cosmos.

"You can make your peace. On the dark side of the moon" -Hello i love you lyric.  the dark side of the moon album you play at the same time as the wizard of oz and it lines up perfectly! Spiderweb = mandala. I used to have dreams of a giant spider leaping on my face, i looked it up in the numerology dream book and it was number 278. The helicopter in the movie had N127 on the side. "girls don't talk to me at school, cuz i like astronomy and play the violin." Don't even get me started on how alienated and abused i was at school for being a weirdo with all this stuff its not hard to believe cuz u all still do it to me now ANyways i love the violin so much and u know im crazy about the stars.. Noah in the movie was drawing a mandala at the same time as me in real life cuz i was doodling on Erics arm. Riddleofclouds also talks about spiders and frequencies, what noahs science project was about. we started realizing that Noah symbolizes  Eric, he looks just like him when he was a kid he has the same glasses and clothes everything. big 72 on his shirt, 27. his dad plays golf just like the dad in the movie. Emma says to Noah "You're my engineer" that's what i told him he's like my magician {he's magician card} that's pulls me out of the hat. even no0w im at tyhe computer and i feel so conect6ed to it. they said its so complex its like a living thing mimicking the nervous system. Nanotechnology. When Eric was on DMT they told him "were looking for your love gene." Mimzy said the people in the4 future need our help, its in our genes. theyve sent mimzys into the past before but it didnt work, shes the last mimzy, shes getting weaker. we have to send her back, shes gonna die. " The crab trap they were at, Maddie cancer zodiac. maddies our third pole of energy. The teacher at the end of the movie held her palm up to the sky, just like cloud. The actresses name us irene snow, snow clouds. Noahs actors name is Chris, Erics dad. Lewis Carroll was born january 27th. Alice Liddell.Alice Pleasance Hargreaves was her real name]] born May 4th, KATIES BIRTHDAY! she passed away on wayas birthday.. Her birth year 1852 and death year 1934. 1+8+5+2+1+9+3+4=33.  WWWWWWWWOWWWWWWWW. MY DAD JUST CAME AND TOLD ME THERE WAS AN EARTHQUAKE IN NEW YORK. SCHUMANNS RESONANCE,.  anyways, alice is expression number 3, life path number 7! just like Mimzy Sky Jett, Me! Charles Dodgson {lewis carroll} met Alice on April 25th 1956. A few days from now! Originally titled Alice’s Adventures Under Ground, Last night i had a dream i lived underground beneath my moms mansion house. Well.. thats all for now im taking a break to go research on my cellphone. BYebye.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your condition improves, all the best. You’re smart, important and you’ll recover.


Dreams i had on 2/22/25

  i dreamed 👁that i was at the big house in the rightside  parlor room, and i looked up at the ceiling to see a breathing pulsing cluster o...